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Earn Limitless With Refer & Earn Business Model!

रेफर और अर्न बिजनेस मॉडल के साथ असीमित कमाई करें!

If you’re a salaried person who wants to generate a great side-income or a passionate individual who wants to make it big in life – this is for YOU!

यदि आप एक salaried व्यक्ति हैं जो अच्छी side-income generate करना चाहते हैं या वो व्यक्ति हैं जो जीवन में कुछ बड़ा करना चाहते हैं – यह आपके लिए है!

Your background does not matter at all, what matters is your sheer zeal – and by becoming the Channel Partner, you get to start your own business that has the potential to make you earn up to Rs.3 Lakhs monthly. You can become a Channel Partner if you’re:

आपका background बिल्कुल भी मायने नहीं रखता , मायने रखता है आपका सरासर उत्साह, और चैनल पार्टनर बनकर, आप अपना खुद का व्यवसाय शुरू कर सकते हैं जिसमें आपको मासिक 3 लाख रुपये तक कमाने की क्षमता है। आप चैनल पार्टनर बन सकते हैं यदि आप:

  • Dreaming to be a successful business-person
  • A housewife who wants to start something of her own
  • A Salaried person wanting to earn a handy side-income
  • A student who intends to earn via this digital business
  • A Self-Employed person looking for another business
  • Anyone who wants to start a successful business
  • एक सफल व्यवसायी बनने का सपना देख रहे हो
  • एक गृहिणी जो अपना कुछ शुरू करना चाहती है
  • यदि आप एक salaried व्यक्ति हैं जो अच्छी side-income generate करना चाहते हैं
  • एक छात्र जो इस डिजिटल व्यवसाय के माध्यम से कमाई करने का इरादा रखता है
  • एक स्व-रोज़गार व्यक्ति दूसरे व्यवसाय की तलाश में है
  • जो कोई भी एक सफल व्यवसाय शुरू करना चाहता है

Big-Revenue Business Opportunity | बड़े Income वाला व्यावसायिक अवसर

Channel Partner Plan – Loaded With Business-Centric Perks |

चैनल पार्टनर योजना – व्यवसाय-केंद्रित सुविधाओं से भरपूर

Earn up to Rs. 1,00,000/month
1,00,000/ रुपये माह तक कमाएं
A highly rewarding business that can flourish limitlessly with this easy refer and earn business venture.
Great Profits – Low Investment
बढ़िया मुनाफ़ा – कम निवेश
A low investment business opportunity is rare! Make the most of it and start generating income now.
Lifetime Career Opportunity
आजीवन कैरियर अवसर
You can rely upon this business and make it your lifelong vehicle to financial success and career growth.
Access Free Marketing Support
निःशुल्क Marketing सहायता
Finable India provides the best marketing support for the partners’ businesses to grow substantially.
Personal Portal For Revenue Tracking Revenue
ट्रैकिंग के लिए व्यक्तिगत पोर्टल
Access your own smart personal portal wherein you can view all the required information and track your earnings.
Completely Digital Business
पूर्णतया डिजिटल बिजनेस
This business requires near-to-none infrastructure. Conduct this business remotely, maybe even without an office.

Our Great Collaborations


What Our Partner Says

Dipak Lad

Financeapna Financial Services ( Champions:

At Financeapna Financial Services, the commission structure is fantastic! As a financial advisor, it’s rewarding to see our hard work translate into good earnings. The firm values our efforts, and the commission model reflects that, making it a win-win for everyone.

Financeapna Financial Services (कमीशन चैंपियंस:

Financeapna Financial Services में, कमीशन संरचना शानदार है! एक वित्तीय सलाहकार के रूप में, हमारी कड़ी मेहनत को अच्छी कमाई में तब्दील होते देखना फायदेमंद है। कंपनी हमारे प्रयासों को महत्व देती है और कमीशन मॉडल इसे प्रतिबिंबित करता है, जिससे यह सभी के लिए फायदे का सौदा बन जाता है।

Kiran Gaikwad

Punctuality Perfection at Financeapna:

Working at Financeapna Financial Services is a breeze because of the on-time assistance we receive. Whether it’s support from management or coordination among team members, the firm excels in maintaining a punctual and efficient work environment. It’s a real game-changer in ensuring smooth operations.

Financeapna Financial Services में समय की पाबंदी पूर्णता:

हमें समय पर मिलने वाली सहायता के कारण Financeapna Financial Services में काम करना आसान है। चाहे वह प्रबंधन का समर्थन हो या टीम के सदस्यों के बीच समन्वय, कंपनी समय का पाबंद और कुशल कार्य वातावरण बनाए रखने में उत्कृष्ट है। सुचारू संचालन सुनिश्चित करने में यह एक वास्तविक गेम-चेंजर है।

Swapnil Borkar

Success at Financeapna – More Than Just Numbers:

Being part of Financeapna Financial Services goes beyond just numbers. The firm’s commitment to success is evident in the collaborative spirit and support we receive. The emphasis on achieving goals translates into not only financial success but also a sense of accomplishment and teamwork that makes our work truly fulfilling.

Financeapna Financial Services में सफलता – संख्याओं से अधिक:

Financeapna Financial Services का हिस्सा बनना सिर्फ संख्या से परे है। सफलता के प्रति कंपनी की प्रतिबद्धता हमें मिलने वाली सहयोगात्मक भावना और समर्थन से स्पष्ट है। लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने पर जोर न केवल वित्तीय सफलता बल्कि उपलब्धि और टीम वर्क की भावना में भी तब्दील होता है जो हमारे काम को वास्तव में संतुष्टिदायक बनाता है।

Having questions is obvious! We always encourage transparency with our Channel Partners!

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Personal loan is a 1-5 year unsecured loan given by banks, NBFC’s (Non Banking Finance Companies) or P2P lending platforms without asking for any collateral, guarantor or hypothecation of any assets. The ultimate usage of a personal loan is left to the discretion of the borrower. In our experience, the borrowers generally use a personal loan for debt consolidation, repaying high cost debt, meeting any family or medical emergency, wedding, vacations, home renovation, rental deposits, business needs for an SME, buying certain assets etc.

Ans. Loan eligibility is dependent on primarily the following factors:
1. The company where you work. Every bank has a list of companies running into thousands which they have categorised into segments like A, B, C etc depending on the credentials and financials of your employer. The higher the category the higher is the loan eligibility chances.
2. Quantum of loans and credit card outstanding that you already have. Typically a bank will not give a loan if the total EMI obligation (including the current personal loan that your are trying to apply for) exceeds 50-75% of your total net take home salary.
3. Your gross/net salary
4. Your credit score as reflected in your CIBIL or Equifax report. Having a good credit score is a necessary but not a sufficient criteria.

Ans. Pre closure means that a customer wants to close the entire principal outstanding amount at one go. Whereas part payment means that a customer wants to repay only a certain portion of the outstanding amount. Please ask our advisor for more details on this when you loan is being processed.

Answer. Some banks have a lock-in of 6 months to a year while some banks allow you to pre close even after the 1st EMI has been debited from your bank. There may also be restrictions that you can only use your own funds (and not the balance transfer cheque of another bank) to pre close a loan. In addition, banks may allow pre closure at no cost or may levy a pre closure fee (2-5% of the amount being pre-closed). Please ask for clarifications to our or the banks’ loan advisor on all these factors before signing the loan document.

Answer. Finance Buddha will work with the banks to try and get you the loan within 2-5 working days of submitting completed documents.